Current News

Minimum smoking age to rise to 21

A new Bill introduced in the Dáil will see the minimum legal age for smoking rise from 18 to 21 in Ireland from February 2028, reports The Irish...

JTI Ukraine invests USD 60 million

JTI Ukraine will invest about USD 60 million in the Ukrainian economy over the next three years, reports New Voice.
The new investment is associated with the...


Biden administration wants menthol lawsuit dismissed

The Biden administration has urged a federal judge to dismiss a lawsuit by anti-smoking groups that want menthol cigarettes banned, reports Reuters.

The menthol ban has been delayed several times with the US Food and Drug...

PMI accused of ‘manipulating science’

Philip Morris International has been accused of “manipulating science for profit” by funding research and advocacy work with scientists, reports The...

Vape sales outside pharmacies banned

Australia has become the first country in the world to ban the sale of e-cigarettes outside of pharmacies, reports The Independent.

Under the new laws...


FDA and CBP seize unauthorized e-cigs worth USD 1 million

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) joined forces as part of a federal multi-agency task force, reports NACS.

The task force, which has been put together to combat the...

Cannabis clubs to apply for licences

From July, cannabis can no longer only be grown legally in small quantities at home, but also in so-called cannabis clubs, reports Zeit.

As the next step in...

Reynolds completes PMTA for age-gated Vuse Pro

R.J. Reynolds Vapor Company (RJRVC), an operating company of Reynolds American, the BAT Group’s U.S. subsidiary, has filed its final Pre-Market Tobacco...

Altria submits PMTAs for on! PLUS

Altria Group, Inc. (Altria) has announced the submission of Premarket Tobacco Product Applications (PMTAs) to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for...

Brazil decriminalizes marijuana

Brazil's Supreme Court voted to decriminalize the possession of marijuana for personal use, reports DW.

However, the judges have yet to determine the...

Vapes to be sold over the counter

The government in Australia has reached a deal which will see medicinal vapes sold over the counter at pharmacies, reports The Guardian.

Originally, vapes...

FDA authorizes NJOY menthol vapes

Altria has announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued marketing orders for NJOY ACE Pod Menthol 2.4%, NJOY ACE Pod Menthol 5%, NJOY...

Vaping products banned during UEFA Euro 2024

Vapers attending the UEFA football tournament in Germany are not allowed to vape or carry any e-liquids on their person at any of the stadiums, reports the...

Ministry stops shisha tobacco packaging rule

In Germany, shisha tobacco will soon be available in large packs again, reports dpa.

The Federal Ministry of Finance is lifting the maximum limit of 25...

BAT plans vape vending machines in pubs

BAT is working to roll out vape and nicotine pouch automated vending machines in pubs and bars, Better Retailing reported.
According to the report, job...

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